I just wanted to apologize to everyone for not having been able to get this site updated as quickly as I would of liked. I am a bit behind due to my husband being in the hospital for almost 2wks. back in mid-August. I'm still trying to play catch-up. So please bear with me. I have my main .com site more updated if you want to check that site out. I haven't even gotten time to add the rats to this site yet. I will be closing down my other weebly account and using this one even though the URL is to Blue Skies website. She gave me full permission to take this site over since she gets more traffic on here than I do on my weebly site. Thank you everyone for bearing with me here.

I just wanted to welcome everyone to our Blog here on Weebly. I will try to keep it as updated as possible, but I do also have a BlogSpot account that can be found on the main page of our original Rattery website. This Weebly site is just a small offsite from our main website. More information can be found on our main website, but I hope everyone enjoys our site here and our main site. For more information please feel free to contact us directly.

    Sweet Whispers

    Here we will mainly keep you updated on the goings on here at our rattery along with what litters we have, who we have available, etc..


    September 2012
    August 2012

